queues - Savethehighstreet.org https://savethehighstreet.org industry movement on a mission to ensure successful high streets Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:25:30 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://savethehighstreet.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/cropped-Save-The-High-Street-Logo-32x32.png queues - Savethehighstreet.org https://savethehighstreet.org 32 32 Add demarcations to help your customers navigate your shop safely https://savethehighstreet.org/demarcations?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=demarcations https://savethehighstreet.org/demarcations#respond Thu, 11 Jun 2020 10:40:32 +0000 https://savethehighstreet.org/?p=5985 Findings show that poor crowd management costs UK businesses £12 billion each year in sales losses (Ayden, 2018). What’s more, 66% of British customers reported abandoning potential purchases due to the long wait (Y. Lu et al., 2012). Adding demarcations to your shop will help you manage the crowds upon reopening in a simple and […]

The post Add demarcations to help your customers navigate your shop safely first appeared on Savethehighstreet.org.


Findings show that poor crowd management costs UK businesses £12 billion each year in sales losses (Ayden, 2018). What’s more, 66% of British customers reported abandoning potential purchases due to the long wait (Y. Lu et al., 2012). Adding demarcations to your shop will help you manage the crowds upon reopening in a simple and safe way.

Clear signage, queue barriers, one-way routes, and other forms of demarcation relieve the stress of the customers by providing them a clear idea of where to go and which cashier to use in a way that doesn’t put them or others in danger.

By making the shopping experience that much more comfortable, your customers will be more likely to stay instore longer and to proceed with their purchases and your work environment will be more relaxed for your team, giving them more time and energy to focus on other things.

Also, don’t forget, the demarcations themselves can work as a great marketing tool. By adorning them with your logo, some information about your business, and maybe even some humour, you can further boost your brand recognition with your local community.

Have you completed your Recovery & Resilience Health Check yet? Here is the link –


Once completed, you’ll receive a free personalised report and score with recommendations tailored to your business, invites to webinars and an optional 1-1 consultant call.

The post Add demarcations to help your customers navigate your shop safely first appeared on Savethehighstreet.org.

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