Calling all small businesses and community champions in the London Borough of Ealing!
Join us live and local, to benefit from a range of new support opportunities, designed exclusively for you.

Register to find out more about the support available near you this month.
Spaces are limited so book your place today to avoid missing out.

New support for
businesses in Ealing Borough
Ealing Council has partnered with SaveTheHighStreet.org and a range of other small business champions to deliver a series of 7 support centres, each popping-up for 1 day only, in a different local town centre across the borough, every Thursday from March 24th 2022 onwards.

Join presentations, group discussions or 1-to-1 mentoring about a range of topics to do with your local area, your top goals, and what it takes for small businesses to succeed in 2022.

Discover new opportunities for local businessses in the London Borough of Ealing; from support programmes to local campaigns, Government grants, upcoming events, how to guides and more.

Meet other local business owners, local community champions, local council officers, local support providers, and more, all over free food and drink in a venue nearby
Join a support centre near you
For the whole day or just for the parts that interest you most.
Help for your business.
Help for your high street.
This initiative exists to help small local businesses across Ealing Borough benefit from a range of new support and other opportunities to achieve their potential.