Calling all high street businesses, high street startups, community champions, commercial landlords, local authorities, BIDs, property developers, industry-wide suppliers, media influencers, trader associations and anyone else across the UK with an interest in successful high streets.
The future depends on how we all act now.
A stronger future high street is emerging
Ending The Vacancy Crisis
We fill vacant spaces anywhere in the U.K. with a new generation of high street startups, online-to-offline retailers and growing local brands.

Thriver – Your to-do list, done for you
We built Thriver to help high street entrepreneurs take their business to the next level; making it quicker and easier to succeed on the high street.

Local Champions on every High Street
We launch new traders associations, help existing local groups to thrive and support anyone making a stand for a successful high street.

The voice of the high street

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Latest updates

Positive Impact of Traders Groups at Place Level has been delivering ‘grass roots’ support since 2016. We have found that one of the most effective projects for improving vibrancy and driving local footfall is the formation of a Traders Group. The positive impact of ‘pulling together’ can benefit everyone – not just the traders themselves. Often Landlords, Local Authorities or other ‘authorities’ […]