in the media
Friday the 3rd of August was an incredibly busy day for us at With the release of Amazon’s tax bill, there was a frenzy of media outlets requesting our opinion on the matter. These included BBC Radio 5 Live, Channel 4, Daily Express, Sky News and TalkRADIO.
During these interviews we were invited to talk about the issues surrounding Amazon, most notably corporation tax, business rates and the role they play on the future of the high street. When speaking to independent and high street retailers across the UK, the issue of business rates and taxes are among the most pressing, but also the most misrepresented.
Ultimately we can’t blame Amazon for being Amazon and optimising their own interests. We can’t even rely on changes to the current tax system within acceptable time frames.
We need to look at all the conditions for growth on the high street. We need to focus on the things we can do right now to improve footfall and sales to drive up profits. We need to collaborate more and stay positive.
There is often a negative outlook and narrative presented in the media surrounding the high street. These interview’s were a wonderful opportunity to challenge this narrative by speaking about our 8 growth drivers for success on the high street from our HIGH STREET MANIFESTO 2018.
We were encouraged by the positive responses during the interviews and were humbled by the warm messages of support we received through our Facebook and Twitter. Thank you to everyone who tuned in and sent us messages.
To listen to our interviews on BBC Radio 5 Live and TalkRADIO please follow the links and instructions below whilst they are still active.
BBC Radio 5 Live
Our interview starts at 22:48 into the broadcast.
Click on the 10:30-11:00 tab and go to 4:50 for the start of our interview.