Myths Debunked: How EPOS Can Save You Time and Money
Many retailers worry about getting proper EPOS and inventory management systems in their store. Why worry? Well, many retailers already have a system for managing their inventory. Whether they keep pen-and-paper records, or an excel spreadsheet based filing system. Retailers are an adaptable breed of people. For these retailers, not having an EPOS system was a problem they overcame, with the resources they had at the time. But now, many of these retailers are happy with their method and don’t think they have the time or money to install a different system.
The Time and Money Myth
What you might not realise, is that having a professional EPOS system can actually save you time and money, in the long run. Many retailers believe that these professional systems are too complicated for their business. Running these systems would be time consuming and a waste of money. But this is far from the truth of the matter.
EPOS systems are designed to run themselves, without taking up too much of their owners time. These systems cut out all the time spent with pen or mouse in hand, tallying up lists of stock. Instead, your connected EPOS system can track stock as you sell. Giving you a report on your stock, without wasting any of your time or your employees time counting stock by hand.
So EPOS can save you time, but as we all know, time is money. Giving you more time to work on your shop means you can actually gain money by having an EPOS. A few hours of your time a week can be very valuable. By not spending your valuable time on things like inventory, you can attend to more pressing matters.
Save Time, Money and…
Of course, with time and money comes the most important thing of all: peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about finding the time to manage inventory and a little extra money always helps to ease the mind. With a professional EPOS system in place, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
Take a FREE 30 day trial of Vend EPOS!
If you have any questions or you just want to get in touch, contact us here